La médiation familiale peut vous concerner si vous êtes dans l’une des situations suivantes :

– séparation ou divorce,

– séparation ou divorce dans le but de soutenir un exercice partagé des responsabilités parentales,

– conflits autour du maintien des relations intra-familiales,

– situation de recomposition familiale,

– conflits familiaux intergénérationnels entre :

      • parents et jeunes adultes

      • parents et adolescents

      • grands-parents et parents au sujet du maintien des liens entre grands-parents et petits enfants

      • fratrie et parents, en cas de vulnérabilité d’un proche

      • successions conflictuelles


Family mediation may be considered you if you are in one of the following circumstances :

 – partners going through separation or divorce,

 – partners going through separation or divorce where shared responsibility of children is the desired outcome,

 – family units experiencing conflict due to interfamilial relationships,

 – blended, or reconstituted family units where one or both parents have chilrden from a previous relationship and have combined to form a new family,

 – intergenerational family units undergoing conflicts between :

            • parents and young adults

            • Parents and adolescents

            • Grandparents and parents where issues have arisen around grandparents maintaining access to their grandchildren 

            • children and parents in cases relating to the loss of mental capacity of a family member 

            • members experiencing conflictual issues concerning inheritance. 

Pourquoi faire une médiation ?